Back Channel Keycloak Requests

While using Keycloak you may need to make authenticated requests between various services. How can this be accomplished with Immutant?

You may want to check this link to learn how to use Immutant with Keycloak.


In this deployment, there are three components to the deployment, a Consumer, a Provider, and Keycloak. The Consumer makes a request of the Provider using authentication through Keycloak.



Deploy out a Keycloak container, and scaffold a pair of Immutant applications. In Keycloak, create a Consumer application, and a Provider application with User roles for both. In the Consumer's web.xml, restrict the /backchannel route to only authenticated User roles. Do the same thing with /locked on the Provider.

Setting Up Keycloak

As of the 1.0.0-3 BETA version Keycloak currently requires you to declare the scopes necessary for your application. In 1.0.0-4 BETA, applications will have full role access by default, so this section is not applicable.

Currently, Keycloak does not grant applications any "Scopes" with other applications, scopes allow you to restrict which role mappings are studded into an access token. In Keycloak, go to the prepared appliactions and under the "Scopes" tab, select the other application and give it the User scope.

Making a Request

The User will browse to the Consumer and authenticate with Keycloak, then return to the /backchannel route. Since at this point they will be authenticated, you can get their session and utilize the Token it provides.

The get-session function produces a session which can be utilized.

(defn get-session
  "Gets the session, get the object with `.getToken` or the access token itself with `.getTokenString`"
  (let [{servlet-request :servlet-request} request
        session (.getAttribute servlet-request "org.keycloak.KeycloakSecurityContext")]

back-channel-handler, which is bound to the /backchannel route, responds to the request with information regarding the users resource access, as well as the data sent from the provider.

(defn back-channel-handler
  "A back channel request handler"
  (str "The back call resulted in:<br>"
    (.getResourceAccess (.getToken (get-session request)))
      (client/get "http://provider:8080/locked"
        {:headers {
          "Authorization" (str "Bearer " (.getTokenString (get-session request)))
      (catch Exception e
        (str "Exception occured... <pre>" e "</pre>")))))

(defroutes app
  "The router."
  (GET "/backchannel" [:as request] (back-channel-handler request)))

Handling a Request

On the Provider, lock down the /locked route in the web.xml file. Then, Keycloak provides all of the necessary facilities to handle and verify the request. By the time the request reaches the Provider, it's already verified that the user has access.
