Photo - (All) Geoff Howe

Gathering Our Voices 2016

This year helped again with Gathering Our Voices. I worked in the same capacity as previous years and had a similarly great time.

Rather than talking at length about events I'd rather share pictures. All of these photos were taken by my friend Geoff Howe. All images are wholly owned by the BCAAFC and you may not reproduce or use them in anything without their permission.

Day 1

The main totem area on registration day.
The main totem area on registration day.
Where groups came to check in.
Where groups came to check in.
There is always lots of singing and drumming at GOV.
There is always lots of singing and drumming at GOV.
Our Masters of Ceremonies, Nathaniel and Madelaine, were very entertaining.
Our Masters of Ceremonies, Nathaniel and Madelaine, were very entertaining.
During the ceremony I had the opportunity to see my dear friend Swil Kanim play.
During the ceremony I had the opportunity to see my dear friend Swil Kanim play.
We also had some lovely guests, and then we had Paul. He is our amazing outgoing ED.
We also had some lovely guests, and then we had Paul. He is our amazing outgoing ED.

Day 2

Some of the youth participated in a firefighter training workshop. Looks exhausting but fun!
Some of the youth participated in a firefighter training workshop. Looks exhausting but fun!
There were many workshops, including this one about mixing music and running shows.
There were many workshops, including this one about mixing music and running shows.
For lunch the youth all visited a local food truck fair and supported local businesses.
For lunch the youth all visited a local food truck fair and supported local businesses.
Our team at Science Venture also ran multiple workshops. Andrew MacLean, our director, might have had too much fun fingerprinting.
Our team at Science Venture also ran multiple workshops. Andrew MacLean, our director, might have had too much fun fingerprinting.
I helped out with both forensics and programming/technology workshops. What a blast!
I helped out with both forensics and programming/technology workshops. What a blast!
There was a sporting event on the Legislature lawn as well. I didn't get to see much of it.
There was a sporting event on the Legislature lawn as well. I didn't get to see much of it.
That night there was the talent show. I was very happy to see my friend Sam performing again. Last year he performed for his first time and this year he did even better! I was so proud of all the performers!
That night there was the talent show. I was very happy to see my friend Sam performing again. Last year he performed for his first time and this year he did even better! I was so proud of all the performers!

Day 3

This day had more workshops, including things like kickboxing and rock climbing. Wild!
This day had more workshops, including things like kickboxing and rock climbing. Wild!
Jiggling and traditional dancing were other options.
Jiggling and traditional dancing were other options.
That evening we hosted our big youth dance. One of the delegates expressed to myself and some of the other tech people that they were interested in what we did. She ended up helping out at several points throughout the week!
That evening we hosted our big youth dance. One of the delegates expressed to myself and some of the other tech people that they were interested in what we did. She ended up helping out at several points throughout the week!
It looks like everyone had fun.
It looks like everyone had fun.

Day 4

In the morning we had a somber closing ceremonies. One of the local chiefs had passed and the community was in morning.
In the morning we had a somber closing ceremonies. One of the local chiefs had passed and the community was in morning.
Months had been spent planning a totem pole raising at the local Friendship Centre, and the ceremony went ahead despite the passing.
Months had been spent planning a totem pole raising at the local Friendship Centre, and the ceremony went ahead despite the passing.
It was a very beautiful day which finished a beautiful week.
It was a very beautiful day which finished a beautiful week.