Photo - Jean Wimmerlin

PostgreSQL Aggregates with Rust

Reaching for something like SUM(vals) or AVG(vals) is a common habit when using PostgreSQL. These aggregate functions offer users an easy, efficient way to compute results from a set of inputs.

How do they work? What makes them different than a function? How do we make one? What kinds of other uses exist?

We'll explore creating some basic ones using SQL, then create an extension that defines aggregates in Rust using pgx 0.3.0's new aggregate support.

Aggregates in the world

Aggregates have a number of uses, beyond the ones already mentioned (sum and average) we can find slightly less conceptually straightforward aggregates like:

So, aggregates can collect items, work like a fold, or do complex analytical math... how do we make one?

What makes an Aggregate?

Defining an aggregate is via CREATE AGGREGATE and CREATE FUNCTION, here's a reimplementation of sum only for integer:

CREATE FUNCTION example_sum_state(
    state integer,
    next  integer
) RETURNS integer
AS $$
    SELECT $1 + $2;

CREATE AGGREGATE example_sum(integer)
    SFUNC    = example_sum_state, -- State function
    STYPE    = integer,           -- State type
    INITCOND = '0'                -- Must be a string or null

SELECT example_sum(value) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [1, 2, 3]) as value;
--  example_sum 
-- -------------
--            6
-- (1 row)

Conceptually, the aggregate loops over each item in the input and runs the SFUNC function on the current state as well as each value. That code is analogous to:

fn example_sum(values: Vec<isize>) -> isize {
    let mut sum = 0;
    for value in values {
        sum += value;

Aggregates are more than just a loop, though. If the aggregate specifies a combinefunc PostgreSQL can run different instances of the aggregate over subsets of the data, then combine them later. This is called partial aggregation and enables different worker processes to handle data in parallel. Let's make our example_sum aggregate above have a combinefunc:

(Readers may note we could use example_sum_state in this particular case, but not in general, so we're gonna make a new function for demonstration.)

CREATE FUNCTION example_sum_combine(
    first   integer,
    second  integer
) RETURNS integer
AS $$
    SELECT $1 + $2;

DROP AGGREGATE example_sum(integer);

CREATE AGGREGATE example_sum(integer)
    SFUNC    = example_sum_state,
    STYPE    = integer,
    INITCOND = '0',
    combinefunc = example_sum_combine

SELECT example_sum(value) FROM generate_series(0, 4000) as value;
--  example_sum 
-- -------------
--      8002000
-- (1 row)

Here's one using FINALFUNC, which offers a way to compute some final value from the state:

CREATE FUNCTION example_uniq_state(
    state text[],
    next  text
) RETURNS text[]
AS $$
    SELECT array_append($1, $2);

CREATE FUNCTION example_uniq_final(
    state text[]
) RETURNS integer
AS $$
    SELECT count(DISTINCT value) FROM UNNEST(state) as value

CREATE AGGREGATE example_uniq(text)
    SFUNC     = example_uniq_state, -- State function
    STYPE     = text[],             -- State type
    INITCOND  = '{}',               -- Must be a string or null
    FINALFUNC = example_uniq_final  -- Final function

SELECT example_uniq(value) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY ['a', 'a', 'b']) as value;
--  example_uniq 
-- --------------
--             2
-- (1 row)

This is particularly handy as your STYPE doesn't need to be the type you return!

Aggregates can take multiple arguments, too:

CREATE FUNCTION example_concat_state(
    state text[],
    first text,
    second text,
    third text
) RETURNS text[]
AS $$
    SELECT array_append($1, concat($2, $3, $4));

CREATE AGGREGATE example_concat(text, text, text)
    SFUNC     = example_concat_state,
    STYPE     = text[],
    INITCOND  = '{}'

SELECT example_concat(first, second, third) FROM
    UNNEST(ARRAY ['a', 'b', 'c']) as first,
    UNNEST(ARRAY ['1', '2', '3']) as second,
    UNNEST(ARRAY ['!', '@', '#']) as third;
--                                                 example_concat                                                 
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--  {a1!,a2!,a3!,b1!,b2!,b3!,c1!,c2!,c3!,a1@,a2@,a3@,b1@,b2@,b3@,c1@,c2@,c3@,a1#,a2#,a3#,b1#,b2#,b3#,c1#,c2#,c3#}
-- (1 row)

See how we see a1, b1, and c1? Multiple arguments might not work as you expect! As you can see, each argument is passed with each other argument.

SELECT UNNEST(ARRAY ['a', 'b', 'c']) as first,
       UNNEST(ARRAY ['1', '2', '3']) as second,
       UNNEST(ARRAY ['!', '@', '#']) as third;
--  first | second | third 
-- -------+--------+-------
--  a     | 1      | !
--  b     | 2      | @
--  c     | 3      | #
-- (3 rows)

Aggregates have several more optional fields, such as a PARALLEL. Their signatures are documented in the CREATE AGGREGATE documentation and this article isn't meant to be comprehensive.

Reminder: You can also create functions with pl/pgsql, c, pl/Python, or even in the experimental pl/Rust.

Extensions can, of course, create aggregates too. Next, let's explore how to do that with Rust using pgx 0.3.0's Aggregate support.

Familiarizing with pgx

pgx is a suite of crates that provide everything required to build, test, and package extensions for PostgreSQL versions 10 through 14 using pure Rust.

It includes:

Note: pgx does not currently offer Windows support, but works great in WSL2.

If a Rust toolchain is not already installed, please follow the instructions on

You'll also need to make sure you have some development libraries like zlib and libclang, as cargo pgx init will, by default, build it's own development PostgreSQL installs. Usually it's possible to figure out if something is missing from error messages and then discover the required package for the system.

Install cargo-pgx then initialize its development PostgreSQL installations (used for cargo pgx test and cargo pgx run):

$ cargo install cargo-pgx
$ cargo pgx init
# ...

We can create a new extension with:

$ cargo pgx new exploring_aggregates
$ cd exploring_aggregates

Then run it:

$ cargo pgx run
# ...
building extension with features ``
"cargo" "build"
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s

installing extension
     Copying control file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates.control`
     Copying shared library to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/lib/postgresql/`
 Discovering SQL entities
  Discovered 1 SQL entities: 0 schemas (0 unique), 1 functions, 0 types, 0 enums, 0 sqls, 0 ords, 0 hashes
running SQL generator
"/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/debug/sql-generator" "--sql" "/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql"
     Copying extension schema file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql`
    Finished installing exploring_aggregates
    Starting Postgres v13 on port 28813
     Creating database exploring_aggregates
psql (13.5)
Type "help" for help.


Observing the start of the src/ file, we can see the pg_module_magic!() and a function hello_exploring_aggregates:

use pgx::*;


fn hello_exploring_aggregates() -> &'static str {
    "Hello, exploring_aggregates"

Back on our psql prompt, we can load the extension and run the function:

CREATE EXTENSION exploring_aggregates;

\dx+ exploring_aggregates
-- Objects in extension "exploring_aggregates"
--           Object description           
-- ---------------------------------------
--  function hello_exploring_aggregates()
-- (1 row)

SELECT hello_exploring_aggregates();
--  hello_exploring_aggregates  
-- -----------------------------
--  Hello, exploring_aggregates
-- (1 row)

Next, let's run the tests:

$ cargo pgx test
"cargo" "test" "--features" " pg_test"
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.08s
     Running unittests (target/debug/deps/exploring_aggregates-4783beb51375d29c)

running 1 test
building extension with features ` pg_test`
"cargo" "build" "--features" " pg_test"
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.41s

installing extension
     Copying control file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates.control`
     Copying shared library to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/lib/postgresql/`
 Discovering SQL entities
  Discovered 3 SQL entities: 1 schemas (1 unique), 2 functions, 0 types, 0 enums, 0 sqls, 0 ords, 0 hashes, 0 aggregates
running SQL generator
"/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/debug/sql-generator" "--sql" "/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql"
     Copying extension schema file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql`
    Finished installing exploring_aggregates
test tests::pg_test_hello_exploring_aggregates ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 2.44s

Stopping Postgres

     Running unittests (target/debug/deps/sql_generator-1bb38131b30894e5)

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

   Doc-tests exploring_aggregates

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

We can also inspect the SQL the extension generates:

$ cargo pgx schema
    Building SQL generator with features ``
"cargo" "build" "--bin" "sql-generator"
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s
 Discovering SQL entities
  Discovered 1 SQL entities: 0 schemas (0 unique), 1 functions, 0 types, 0 enums, 0 sqls, 0 ords, 0 hashes, 0 aggregates
running SQL generator
"/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/debug/sql-generator" "--sql" "sql/exploring_aggregates-0.0.0.sql"

This creates sql/exploring_aggregates-0.0.0.sql:

This file is auto generated by pgx.

The ordering of items is not stable, it is driven by a dependency graph.

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::hello_exploring_aggregates
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "hello_exploring_aggregates"() RETURNS text /* &str */
LANGUAGE c /* Rust */
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hello_exploring_aggregates_wrapper';

Finally we can create a package for the pg_config version installed on the system, this is done in release mode, so it takes a few minutes:

$ cargo pgx package
building extension with features ``
"cargo" "build" "--release"
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.07s

installing extension
 Discovering SQL entities
  Discovered 1 SQL entities: 0 schemas (0 unique), 1 functions, 0 types, 0 enums, 0 sqls, 0 ords, 0 hashes, 0 aggregates
running SQL generator
"/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/release/sql-generator" "--sql" "/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/release/exploring_aggregates-pg13/usr/share/postgresql/13/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql"
     Copying extension schema file to `target/release/exploring_aggregates-pg13/usr/share/postgresql/13/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql`
    Finished installing exploring_aggregates

Let's make some aggregates with pgx now!

Aggregates with pgx

While designing the aggregate support for pgx 0.3.0 we wanted to try to make things feel idiomatic and natural from the Rust side, but it should be flexible enough for any use.

Aggregates in pgx are defined by creating a type (this doesn't necessarily need to be the state type), then using the #[pg_aggregate] procedural macro on an pgx::Aggregate implementation for that type.

The pgx::Aggregate trait has quite a few items (fns, consts, types) that you can implement, but the procedural macro can fill in stubs for all non-essential items. The state type (the implementation target by default) must have a #[derive(PostgresType)] declaration, or be a type PostgreSQL already knows about.

Here's the simplest aggregate you can make with pgx:

use pgx::*;
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};


#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug, PostgresType, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct DemoSum {
    count: i32,

impl Aggregate for DemoSum {
    const INITIAL_CONDITION: Option<&'static str> = Some(r#"{ "count": 0 }"#);
    type Args = i32;
    fn state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo
    ) -> Self::State {
        current.count += arg;

We can review the generated SQL (generated via cargo pgx schema):

This file is auto generated by pgx.

The ordering of items is not stable, it is driven by a dependency graph.

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoSum

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::demosum_in
	"input" cstring /* &cstr_core::CStr */
) RETURNS DemoSum /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum */
LANGUAGE c /* Rust */
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'demosum_in_wrapper';

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::demosum_out
	"input" DemoSum /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum */
) RETURNS cstring /* &cstr_core::CStr */
LANGUAGE c /* Rust */
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'demosum_out_wrapper';

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoSum
	INPUT = demosum_in, /* exploring_aggregates::demosum_in */
	OUTPUT = demosum_out, /* exploring_aggregates::demosum_out */
	STORAGE = extended

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::demo_sum_state
	"this" DemoSum, /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum */
	"arg_one" integer /* i32 */
) RETURNS DemoSum /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum */
LANGUAGE c /* Rust */
AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'demo_sum_state_wrapper';

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoSum
	integer /* i32 */
	SFUNC = "demo_sum_state", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::state */
	STYPE = DemoSum, /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum */
	INITCOND = '{ "count": 0 }' /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::INITIAL_CONDITION */

We can test it out with cargo pgx run:

$ cargo pgx run
    Stopping Postgres v13
building extension with features ``
"cargo" "build"
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s

installing extension
     Copying control file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates.control`
     Copying shared library to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/lib/postgresql/`
 Discovering SQL entities
  Discovered 5 SQL entities: 0 schemas (0 unique), 3 functions, 1 types, 0 enums, 0 sqls, 0 ords, 0 hashes, 1 aggregates
running SQL generator
"/home/ana/git/samples/exploring_aggregates/target/debug/sql-generator" "--sql" "/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql"
     Copying extension schema file to `/home/ana/.pgx/13.5/pgx-install/share/postgresql/extension/exploring_aggregates--0.0.0.sql`
    Finished installing exploring_aggregates
    Starting Postgres v13 on port 28813
    Re-using existing database exploring_aggregates
psql (13.5)
Type "help" for help.


Now we're connected via psql:

CREATE EXTENSION exploring_aggregates;

SELECT DemoSum(value) FROM generate_series(0, 4000) as value;
--       demosum      
-- -------------------
--  {"count":8002000}
-- (1 row)

Pretty cool!

...But we don't want that silly {"count": ... } stuff, just the number! We can resolve this by changing the State type, or by adding a finalize (which maps to ffunc) as we saw in the previous section.

Let's change the State this time:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct DemoSum;

impl Aggregate for DemoSum {
    const INITIAL_CONDITION: Option<&'static str> = Some(r#"0"#);
    type Args = i32;
    type State = i32;

    fn state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        current += arg;

Now when we run it:

SELECT DemoSum(value) FROM generate_series(0, 4000) as value;
--  demosum 
-- ---------
--  8002000
-- (1 row)

This is a fine reimplementation of SUM so far, but as we saw previously we need a combine (mapping to combinefunc) to support partial aggregation:

impl Aggregate for DemoSum {
    // ...
    fn combine(
        mut first: Self::State,
        second: Self::State,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        first += second;

We can also change the name of the generated aggregate, or set the PARALLEL settings, for example:

impl Aggregate for DemoSum {
    // ...
    const NAME: &'static str = "demo_sum";
    const PARALLEL: Option<ParallelOption> = Some(pgx::aggregate::ParallelOption::Unsafe);
    // ...

This generates:

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoSum
	integer /* i32 */
	SFUNC = "demo_sum_state", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::state */
	STYPE = integer, /* i32 */
	COMBINEFUNC = "demo_sum_combine", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::combine */
	INITCOND = '0', /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::INITIAL_CONDITION */
	PARALLEL = UNSAFE /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::PARALLEL */

Rust state types

It's possible to use a non-SQL (say, HashSet<String>) type as a state by using Internal.

When using this strategy, a finalize function must be provided.

Here's a unique string counter aggregate that uses a HashSet:

use pgx::*;
use std::collections::HashSet;


#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct DemoUnique;

impl Aggregate for DemoUnique {
    type Args = &'static str;
    type State = Internal;
    type Finalize = i32;

    fn state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        let inner = unsafe { current.get_or_insert_default::<HashSet<String>>() };


    fn combine(
        mut first: Self::State,
        mut second: Self::State,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo
    ) -> Self::State {
        let first_inner = unsafe { first.get_or_insert_default::<HashSet<String>>() };
        let second_inner = unsafe { second.get_or_insert_default::<HashSet<String>>() };

        let unioned: HashSet<_> = first_inner.union(second_inner).collect();

    fn finalize(
        mut current: Self::State,
        _direct_arg: Self::OrderedSetArgs,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::Finalize {
        let inner = unsafe { current.get_or_insert_default::<HashSet<String>>() };

        inner.len() as i32

We can test it:

SELECT DemoUnique(value) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY ['a', 'a', 'b']) as value;
--  demounique 
-- ------------
--           2
-- (1 row)

Using Internal here means that the values it holds get dropped at the end of PgMemoryContexts::CurrentMemoryContext, the aggregate context in this case.

Ordered-Set Aggregates

PostgreSQL also supports what are called Ordered-Set Aggregates. Ordered-Set Aggregates can take a direct argument, and specify a sort ordering for the inputs.

PostgreSQL does not order inputs behind the scenes!

Let's create a simple percentile_disc reimplementation to get an idea of how to make one with pgx. You'll notice we add ORDERED_SET = true and set an (optional) OrderedSetArgs, which determines the direct arguments.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct DemoPercentileDisc;

impl Aggregate for DemoPercentileDisc {
    type Args = name!(input, i32);
    type State = Internal;
    type Finalize = i32;
    const ORDERED_SET: bool = true;
    type OrderedSetArgs = name!(percentile, f64);

    fn state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        let inner = unsafe { current.get_or_insert_default::<Vec<i32>>() };


    fn finalize(
        mut current: Self::State,
        direct_arg: Self::OrderedSetArgs,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::Finalize {
        let inner = unsafe { current.get_or_insert_default::<Vec<i32>>() };
        // This isn't done for us!

        let target_index = (inner.len() as f64 * direct_arg).round() as usize;

This creates SQL like:

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoPercentileDisc
CREATE AGGREGATE DemoPercentileDisc (
	"percentile" double precision /* f64 */
	"input" integer /* i32 */
	SFUNC = "demo_percentile_disc_state", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoPercentileDisc::state */
	STYPE = internal, /* pgx::datum::internal::Internal */
	FINALFUNC = "demo_percentile_disc_finalize" /* exploring_aggregates::DemoPercentileDisc::final */

We can test it like so:

SELECT DemoPercentileDisc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY income) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [6000, 70000, 500]) as income;
--  demopercentiledisc 
-- --------------------
--                6000
-- (1 row)

SELECT DemoPercentileDisc(0.05) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY income) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [5, 100000000, 6000, 70000, 500]) as income;
--  demopercentiledisc 
-- --------------------
--                   5
-- (1 row)

Moving-Aggregate mode

Aggregates can also support moving-aggregate mode, which can remove inputs from the aggregate as well.

This allows for some optimization if you are using aggregates as window functions. The documentation explains that this is because PostgreSQL doesn't need to recalculate the aggregate each time the frame starting point moves.

Moving-aggregate mode has it's own moving_state function as well as an moving_state_inverse function for removing inputs. Because moving-aggregate mode may require some additional tracking on the part of the aggregate, there is also a MovingState associated type as well as a moving_state_finalize function for any specialized final computation.

Let's take our sum example above and add moving-aggregate mode support to it:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct DemoSum;

impl Aggregate for DemoSum {
    const NAME: &'static str = "demo_sum";
    const PARALLEL: Option<ParallelOption> = Some(pgx::aggregate::ParallelOption::Unsafe);
    const INITIAL_CONDITION: Option<&'static str> = Some(r#"0"#);
    const MOVING_INITIAL_CONDITION: Option<&'static str> = Some(r#"0"#);

    type Args = i32;
    type State = i32;
    type MovingState = i32;

    fn state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        pgx::log!("state({}, {})", current, arg);
        current += arg;

    fn moving_state(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::MovingState {
        pgx::log!("moving_state({}, {})", current, arg);
        current += arg;

    fn moving_state_inverse(
        mut current: Self::State,
        arg: Self::Args,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::MovingState {
        pgx::log!("moving_state_inverse({}, {})", current, arg);
        current -= arg;

    fn combine(
        mut first: Self::State,
        second: Self::State,
        _fcinfo: pg_sys::FunctionCallInfo,
    ) -> Self::State {
        pgx::log!("combine({}, {})", first, second);
        first += second;

This generates:

-- src/
-- exploring_aggregates::DemoSum
	integer /* i32 */
	SFUNC = "demo_sum_state", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::state */
	STYPE = integer, /* i32 */
	COMBINEFUNC = "demo_sum_combine", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::combine */
	INITCOND = '0', /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::INITIAL_CONDITION */
	MSFUNC = "demo_sum_moving_state", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::moving_state */
	MINVFUNC = "demo_sum_moving_state_inverse", /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::moving_state_inverse */
	MINITCOND = '0', /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::MOVING_INITIAL_CONDITION */
	PARALLEL = UNSAFE, /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::PARALLEL */
	MSTYPE = integer /* exploring_aggregates::DemoSum::MovingState = i32 */

Using it (we'll also turn on logging to see what happens with SET client_min_messages TO debug;):

SET client_min_messages TO debug;
-- SET

SELECT demo_sum(value) OVER (
) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [1, 20, 300, 4000]) as value;
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 1)
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 20)
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 300)
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 4000)
--  demo_sum 
-- ----------
--         1
--        20
--       300
--      4000
-- (4 rows)

Inside the OVER () we can use syntax for window function calls.

SELECT demo_sum(value) OVER (
) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [1, 20, 300, 4000]) as value;
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 1)
-- LOG:  moving_state(1, 20)
-- LOG:  moving_state(21, 300)
-- LOG:  moving_state(321, 4000)
--  demo_sum 
-- ----------
--      4321
--      4321
--      4321
--      4321
-- (4 rows)

SELECT demo_sum(value) OVER (
) FROM UNNEST(ARRAY [1, 20, 300, 4000]) as value;
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 1)
-- LOG:  moving_state(1, 20)
-- LOG:  moving_state_inverse(21, 1)
-- LOG:  moving_state(20, 300)
-- LOG:  moving_state_inverse(320, 20)
-- LOG:  moving_state(300, 4000)
--  demo_sum 
-- ----------
--         1
--        21
--       320
--      4300
-- (4 rows)

SELECT demo_sum(value) OVER (
    ORDER BY sorter
) FROM (
    VALUES (1, 10000),
           (2, 1)
    ) AS v (sorter, value);
-- LOG:  moving_state(0, 10000)
-- LOG:  moving_state(10000, 1)
-- LOG:  moving_state_inverse(10001, 10000)
--  demo_sum 
-- ----------
--     10001
--         1
-- (2 rows)

Wrapping up

I had a lot of fun implementing the aggregate support for pgx, and hope you have just as much fun using it! If you have questions, open up an issue.

Moving-aggregate mode is pretty new to me, and I'm still learning about it! If you have any good resources I'd love to recieve them from you!

If you're looking for more materials about aggregates, the TimescaleDB folks wrote about aggregates and how they impacted their hyperfunctions in this article. Also, My pal Tim McNamara wrote about how to implement harmonic and geometric means as aggregates in this article.
